Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Now that my twenty or so sample pages are done and are doing their work pitching the book for publication, I've begun the daunting task of scanning all 600-something pages. With a trusty old scanner and a nice, long audiobook, I've got my work cut out for me.

This morning I completed my MTC journal entries and most of my first transfer, the most contrasting two sets of pages in the whole book.  Going from laughing every day with two dozen friends and a supportive learning system to being thrust into the missionary field where I couldn't understand anything or anyone was a shock, and the effects of it took toll on my journal-keeping. I've so many times thought about why I had the initial training experience I did, and if nothing else, it taught me the kind of person I don't want to be the rest of my life. I may have had a really rough time in my first area, but it made me try harder the rest of my mission to get along with others and make do.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Another comic update

Over two years ago, I got the envelope from Salt Lake City that changed my life. To celebrate, I'm still working hard on preparing comic pages for print!  By request, I'm preparing a sample of  more "spiritual" pages that will probably end up looking like this: